Water Cooling System for Computer System

Whether you are using laptop or desktop you have ever listened  whirring of a small fan,so what's about we can use water as the cooling  system for PC.

In most computers, fans do a much good job of keeping components cool. But for people who want to use high-end hardware or coax their PCs into running faster, a fan might not have enough power for the job. If a computer generates very much heat, liquid cooling, also known as water cooling, can be a better solution. It might seem a little counter intuitive to put liquids near delicate electronic equipment, but cooling with water is far more efficient than cooling with air.

A liquid-cooling system for a PC works a lot like the cooling system of a car. Both take advantage of a basic principle of thermodynamics - that heat moves from warmer objects to cooler objects. As the cooler object gets warmer, the warmer object gets cooler. You can experience this principle firsthand by putting your hand flat on a cool spot on your desk for several seconds. When you lift your hand, your palm will be a little cooler, and the spot where your hand was will be a little warmer.

Liquid cooling is a very common process. A car's cooling system circulates water, usually mixed with antifreeze, through the engine. Hot surfaces in the engine warm the water, cooling themselves off in the process.

Water Cooling System for Computer System Water Cooling System for Computer System Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on September 21, 2013 Rating: 5

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