Superhydrophobic Coating Technology Superhydrophobic Coating Technology Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 29, 2015 Rating: 5

Selfie Drone

Lily: the $499 'selfie drone' that's your personal videographer The device is capable of flying for 20 minutes, tracki...
- June 29, 2015
Selfie Drone Selfie Drone Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 29, 2015 Rating: 5
Microsoft’s drones to catch mosquitoes and help stop epidemics Microsoft’s drones to catch mosquitoes and help stop epidemics Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 16, 2015 Rating: 5

YouTube Gaming

Visit:   YouTube Gaming In a bid to take on Amazon’s Twitch, Google has announced YouTube Gaming, its upcoming app and website built...
- June 15, 2015
YouTube Gaming  YouTube Gaming Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 15, 2015 Rating: 5
Wi-Fi That Charges Your Gadgets Is Closer Than You Think Wi-Fi That Charges Your Gadgets Is Closer Than You Think Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 11, 2015 Rating: 5
Apple will open-source its Swift programming language Apple will open-source its Swift programming language Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 08, 2015 Rating: 5
Windows 10 Arrives on July 29 Windows 10 Arrives on July 29 Reviewed by Knowledge Valley on June 02, 2015 Rating: 5
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